Iswar Saran Degree College

A Constituent PG college of University of Allahabad

College with Potential For Excellence, NAAC Accredited B+


Institutional Values


Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens

The College is committed to providing students with an inclusive and holistic education. Our overarching aspect of education is to augment awareness and impart knowledge about our constitutional rights, duties, and values to our students. This is acquired with the help of the curriculum and co-curricular activities.

It is a vital part of our educational strategy to build national character and sensitize students and employees of our institution to their constitutional obligations. Many of the papers/courses assimilate topics that assist in sensitizing students about their constitutional duties. These initiatives aimto create awareness and sensitize students and staff members to their constitutional obligations, contributing to the reinforcement of democratic values.

Additionally, the certificate courses as well as theUG coursein Environmental Studies, provides an understanding of different environmental acts, forest laws, wildlife protection regulations, and universal environmental concerns.

The Women Cell and ICC periodically organizes programs to tutor women about their rights. There are various other events, special lectures, debates, speech and poster competitions to raise awareness of the participants on the various rights, duties, and responsibilities of the citizens. Areas like the Right to Information, Sexual Harassment, IPR and Gender Equity are dealt with intermittently to certify a comprehensive understanding of these issues.


Report 2020-21 Report 2021-22 Report 2022-23